Campho Phenique Coupon

Coupon Value and Save: $2.00 off one Campho-Phenique Product

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Manufacturer Printable Coupon,one-click coupon. SAVE $2.00 on one Campho-Phenique Product.

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Campho-Phenique is for external use only. Consult your physician before using the cold sore treatment for canker sores or other sores inside the mouth.

Where To Get This Offer?

Follow this Campho Phenique Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
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Other knowledge

Ten Ways to Fight Cold Sores

1. Keep Cold Sores clean and dry.
2. Change the toothbrush to avoid residual virus toothbrush, resulting in multiple Cold Sores.
3. Use a medication like Campho-Phenique Cold Sore Treatment to stop pain and help prevent secondary infections to promote healing.
4. Do not touch the Cold Sores
5. Apply ice can help reduce inflammation.
6. Use phenol-containing medicines to Ease Cold Sores.
7. Don’t kiss someone with cold sores, and if you’re the sufferer, don’t let them kiss you.
8. Sun and wind-proof and protect the lips from harm.
9. Don’t use saliva to wet contact lenses.
10. Live a healthy lifestyle, including good nutrition, exercise and plenty of rest.

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