Avastin Coupon

There are two coupons for Avastin in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save: Save Up To $4,000 per year

How Does It Work:

Manufacturer Printable Avastin Coupon. Genentech BioOncology Co-pay Card Program.

With this Avastin Assistance Programs, You pay the first $100 of your co-pay. The Card pays 80% of the remaining.

For example: Your co pay is $300.

you need pay the first $100 and 20% of the remaining($200). your total out-of-pocket cost would be $140.
The Card pays 80% of the remaining($200)=$160. Up to $4,000 per year.

Call 1-(855)-MYCOPAY (1-855-692-6729) To get Enrolling in the Genentech BioOncology Co-Pay Card Program.

Note: If your yearly household income is >$100,000, your card limit is $1,500 per year.

Prices for 2 vials (16ml) of Avastin 400mg/16ml is from $5,400.00–$5,600.00.

Also read:
Lucentis Coupon

Where To Get This Offer?

Follow this Avastin Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
Get Coupon!

Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.

Avastin Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!

Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Avastin price look up, Check Avastin discount price with card.

Print Reusable Discount Card (NOT manufacturer Coupon)

If no printer, only write down your ID, PCN, GROUP, and BIN and take to pharmacist for the same savings.
#Still Can not afford Avastin? Get Generic from This Reliable Cheap Generic Site, additional EXCLUSIVE 10% discount.

Other knowledge
Reviews for Avastin

Working Great for Ovarian Cancer
Avastin has provided a distinct change in my ovarian cancer. After trying other treatments with no success, Avastin has helped significantly slow the cancer progression. I have experienced some side effects including nose bleeds and mouth sores; however, I have not had anything serious and not something that isn’t tolerable compared to the benefits of slowing the progression of the ovarian cancer. Previous treatments have caused hair loss. Have experienced no hair loss with Avastin. Previous treatments have also causes moderate to severe nausea; however, Avastin has not given nausea associated with its administration.

I did have some more frequent headaches in the beginning; however, they subsided. Avastin is used to slow or stop the growth of tumors and/or cancerous cells. This seems to be successful in my case. Using Avastin can make you more prone to bleeding so you have to be careful if you do anything where you can get cut or hurt but other than that it doesn’t affect my lifestyle like other treatments. After originally being told that the progression was slightly aggressive, Avastin has significantly decreased the proposed spread of the cells. I have been using Avastin along with other drugs. I have been very happy with Avastin and am glad that we decided to try this treatment for my ovarian cancer.
—-Amy Elizabeth

Important Notice: These drugs reviews maybe helpful, but can not substitute for the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care.

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