Niaspan Coupon

There are two coupons for Niaspan in 2024:
Coupon Value and Save: $180 maximum benefit for a 90-day supply or $60 maximum benefit for a 30-day supply

How Does It Work:

Manufacturer printable coupon. NIASPAN Savings Voucher.

Download and print it online.

pay no more than $30 for a 90-day supply,maximum benefit is $180, if your insurance co-pay or co-insurance is greater than $210 for NIASPAN will pay more than $30.
pay no more than $15 for a 30-day supply,maximum benefit is $60, if your insurance co-pay or co-insurance is greater than $75 for NIASPAN will pay more than $10.
Offer valid for a maximum of 60 tablets per 30-day purchase or 180 tablets per 90-day purchase.

Heart Alliance, a program for people taking NIASPAN designed to help you get the most from your treatment plan by answering any questions you have on NIASPAN.

This NIASPAN FREE trial offer is only valid on your FIRST prescription of NIASPAN.

Prices for 30 tablets of Niaspan 500mg is from $120.00–$130.00.

Where To Get This Offer?

Follow this Niaspan Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
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Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.

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Other knowledge

Cholesterol-lowering food

Regular exercise, relax, reduce or stop smoking, often measure the concentration of cholesterol can help reduce cholesterol diet lead to high cholesterol levels, the main reason, try to control the animal foods in the diet such as saturated fats, eat more plant foods foods containing high amounts of fiber, because of its very low cholesterol or cholesterol-free.

Oatmeal: research report pointed out, eat about 3/4 cup oatmeal can help lower total cholesterol by 4-8%, because oatmeal contains soluble fiber in addition to cereals, apples, citrus fruits, dried beans such as kidney beans, soy beans, Black-eyed beans are also rich in soluble fiber.

The different yellow alkali prime soybeans also help to lower cholesterol should eat more soy milk, tofu, soy.

Fish (especially salmon and tuna fish) containing omega-3 fatty acids long been proven to help lower cholesterol, and fish instead of meat a week is recommended to eat two to three times.

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