There are two coupons for Lamictal in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save:
Save $50 on each of the next 12 prescriptions This offer have ended,Please use another Lamictal saving card.
How Does It Work:
Manufacturer Printable Coupon. Register online to print your coupon.
Save up to $50 on each of the next 12 prescriptions of LAMICTAL or LAMICTAL ODT.
Prescription LAMICTAL is used for the long-term treatment of Bipolar I Disorder to lengthen the time between mood episodes in people 18 years or older who have been treated for mood episodes with other medicine.
Prices for 60 tablets of Lamictal 100mg is from $500.00–$520.00.
Where To Get This Offer?
Follow this Lamictal Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
Get Coupon!
Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.
Lamictal Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!
Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Lamictal price look up, Check Lamictal discount price with card.
Print Reusable Discount Card (NOT manufacturer Coupon)
If no printer, only write down your ID, PCN, GROUP, and BIN and take to pharmacist for the same savings.#Still Can not afford Lamictal? Get Generic from This Reliable Cheap Generic Site, additional EXCLUSIVE 10% discount.
Other knowledge
Epilepsy symptoms
Eye deviation is one of the most common manifestations of this. Limits are usually in the form of eyes offset to one side, head to favour the same side. Duration ranging from a few minutes to a few hours. Sustainable bias in favour of one side of the eyeball, or intermittent skewed, skewed eye moment to return to the middle and deflected again soon. Often accompanied by a disturbance of consciousness. Attack other autonomic symptoms, such as bruising, miosis, circulation, breathing and body temperature regulation obstacles, hypersalivation, gastrointestinal disorders, headache or discomfort in the head. Episodes of syncope can be found in the one-fifth attack, can be used as the primary expression, not accompanied by other symptoms of seizures, can also be followed by a comprehensive convulsions.
Other Related Coupons:
I am unable to print the Lamictal ODT manufacturer coupon as the site has been down.
Sorry, this site is currently undergoing maintenance.Please try accessing later.
i am unable to print the lamictal odt coupon the website is down
I haven’t been able to print the coupon for days. It’s a shame because a 30 day supply costs over $600 for my 6 year old son. ๐
New coupon link updated: Save up to $50.
found that for Lamictal XR . Still can’t find one for Lamictal.
Does the lamictal xr coupon cover Lamictal Odt? I need to print out the coupon asap, but I don’t know if I should fill it out for Lamictal XR… Is there an ODT coupon?
Thank you
i need a lamictal coupon for my daughter but the website is down, when will it be up and running? please help ASAP.
I need this lamictal coupon, not the lamictalxr coupon. This coupon saves a lot of money over a course of a year. The last coupon I had was suppose to last me until July 2013, but now is invalid and do not know why. Please help ASAP
I have been unable to access coupon for Lanictal ODT, on for XR. Is this coupon valid for ODT or just XR? I had what was a valaid coupon for Laicatal ODT, but my pharmacy claimed that the program ended. I need to fill my rx this week.
Why is this not working ? It says good until 12/2013 I can’t get it to work . It is 40 off each prescription I need this for my son
I used to be able to use the coupon for the regular Lamictal–not the XR and get off $40 each prescription good until 12/2013. Now the pharmacist tells me that the coupon is not good anymore. Lamictal is very expensive-why did you cancel the coupon? My daughter needs this medication.
Do you have a working coupon right now?
My $40.00 coupon is not working. Was not suppose to expire until 12/2013. We have two people in the home that have to take this medicine and we need to have these discount cards ASAP.
Need the coupon for the Lamictal ODC. I can only find the XR version and the pharmacy will not accept it.
I need the lamictal odt not lamictal xr. it says a coupon is available but will only show the one for lamictal xr. How do I get the one for lamictal odt?
This takes you to discount for Lamictal XR only, not ODT. Pharmacy would not honor for ODT. ๐
please send the lamictal coupon
I’ve tried three different web sites to get coupon for lamictal odt all they keep doing is giving me coupon for lamictal xr when taking it to pharmacy I can’t get the discount because its not the same even though the website say for both please email me one or tell me were I can get one
I’ve tried again to print out coupons for the lamictal ODT and its still not working. Plese help,tell me how to get one or please send me one
Having the same trouble. Can’t access the coupon. Signed on using google chrome. Will try internet expolorer.
I am trying to print out a coupon for regular Lamictal but when I try, it comes up as XR Lamictal. I need the regular. Can you help mr?
I really need the Lamictal ODT coupon. Can you please assist me with that. The only coupon that I was able to obtain is the Lamictal XR and I am not sure this will work for my situation. If it does, please let me know or the best way to get the Lamictal ODT coupon.
Do not take the XR because bad reaction, I would be grateful for a Lamictal coupon, it helps all of us who have taken this medication for so long and cannot switch to generic or XR
Coupon or not, XR is the best I’ve taken to date. If it works for you, it’s worth the switch for a once a day dosage
I can not find the coupon for Lamictal XR. I have went to the link provided but all there is 48 pages about the drug. Please help….
I get the same thing.. Were you able to get the oupon? If so how?
why do you not offer a lamictal xr coupon for 2014. I’ve used this drug for over 3 years and the $50.00 per month discount really helped. My coupon expired Dec. 2013 and I cannot find one for 2014. I used it along with my insurance and would appreciate it, if a new 2014 coupon became available. please email me one if possible.
I can’t get this coupon either… no matter what link I try it always takes me to a pdf about the drug… Any luck with this? I need help getting this coupon..
Please send me a Lamictal XR coupon for 2014. My daughter has been taking this medication for 5 years. She has tried the generic form but it did not agree with her. She was having complications. She is a single girl that needs a discount desperately. I, as her parent, tries to help her out financially but it is hard with no discount coupon. This is a medication she will always have to take. Please please help get us some kind of discount. Thank you for any help you can give.
I, too, am on regular Lamictal. I tried the generic and it made me dizzy. Had to go back to Lamictal. Now I don’t have insurance; plus the lack of any coupon.
Drug companies work like this. They are trying to sell their XR (extended release). If they continue with the coupon for the regular Lamictal, they’re promoting this form. Sad…….
Insurance co BCBS of NC is trying to force me to take generic form of Lamictal and my dr is opposing it, but BCBS does not care.. what are my options in getting funding to help this cost.
I need a lamictal xr coupon for 2014…When I go to the lamictal website all I get is drug facts about the medication… even if I follow the link on this page it gives me the same thing.. HELP!!!!!
I found something here. There are no more manufacturer coupons for Lamictal? >>
Did anyone have luck getting the lamictal xr coupon for 2014?
Everytime I click the link, it says website is invalid. I’m trying to find a way to get my medicine because I need it ๐
This Manufacturer coupon have ended, Please use another Lamictal saving card.
Prices for 60 tablets of Lamictal 100mg is from $470.00 with discount, Retail Price is about $650.00
I’m trying to get a coupon for a patient, NOTHING I click on will open a link to get a coupon. Can anyone help?
This Manufacturer offer have ended,Please use #2 Lamictal saving card.
I would really like to know why I spent so much time finding a good coupon to print off for Lamictal & the pharmacy wouldn’t take it because my Rx bottle said “Lamotrigine” (generic for Lamictal)–pharmacy told me it HAD to be the generic name! Whys is this when the doc wrote it for Lamictal & pharmacy gave me generic–which is completely fine–but WHY the turn down from pharmacy?? I was pretty upset about the matter. I gad found a 75% off coupon & not accepted for my Rx because it had generic name.