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Other knowledge

Flatulence diagnosis

Normal adult gastrointestinal retention some 100-150ml a small amount of gas a day, when the volume of gas increases to develop gastrointestinal gas. Is the air swallowed into the gastrointestinal tract, such as swallowing or drinking water, b is the food in the intestines by bacteria fermentation gas, diffusion for the three gases from vessels to the intestinal cavity.

Upon discharge as belching, anal discharge for the loss of gas, most of which is absorbed by the small intestine. Gastrointestinal road expansion gas often is dyspepsia caused of, dyspepsia more performance for meal abdominal pain or does not apply, multiple symptoms, as belching, and burp, and belly expansion,, but often needs and early gastric cancer, and gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer, and pancreatic, and bile, and liver, disease phase identification, so even dyspepsia patients also should early medical, for related check, as Barium meal perspective, and gastroscope, and liver function, project for clear diagnosis.

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