There are two coupons for Vimpat in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save: Save $540
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Manufacturer Free Trial Voucher. Vimpat Free Trial Voucher and Savings Program .
14-day Free Trial Voucher prescription for Vimpat.
Co-pays Savings Program:
You pay the first $10 of your Vimpat co-pay,Vimpat pay up to $45 of the remaining out-of-pocket expense, potential savings of $540 a year!
Register on the Manufacturer website as bellow link to receive vouchers and periodic reminders about the Vimpat Savings Program.It is aslo very easy.
Where To Get This Offer?
Follow this Vimpat Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
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Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.
Vimpat Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!
Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Vimpat price look up, Check Vimpat discount price with card.
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Other knowledge
Age of onset of epilepsy
Age on the incidence of epilepsy, seizure types, causes, and prognostic implications. Epilepsy age 60%~80% at the beginning before the age of 20. Newborns of normal moves partial seizure, 6 months to 5 years with febrile convulsion. Benign childhood focal Centro-temporal spike epilepsy in 4~10sui begins, healing after puberty. Adulthood is a partial seizure or secondary systemic attack. The cause, many authors for the first time in infancy to early brain organic particularly perinatal diseases, then to begin before age 20 authors often primary, from youth to adult brain injury is a major reason, middle-age period for brain tumor, aged with cerebrovascular diseases accounted for first.
Other Related Coupons:
I take 400 mg of Vimpat daily and have a co pay of $350.00 for a three month supply through medco. Can you help with this
Register online to get the vimpat savings card.
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This link works fine:
I have been on Vimpat for a year and had wonderful results. The problem is the cost. I have an RX plan thru Cigna Healthspring and my co-pay for a 90 day supply of Vimpat is approximately $1,800.00. I diffidently cannot afford this. I met my donut hole in the first quarter. I am on disability social security and my wife is also on social security. I am 79 years old and my wife is 77. We receive 31.000.00 between us per year. Is there some way that you my be able to help me.
Please call the Vimpat Savings Program at 1-800-657-7613, you can benefit from this Program.
I’m just now starting Vimpat and my insurance doesn’t pay anything on it.. I been taking it for a little over a month now. I’m trying to figure out what I can do for help..
I am starting this vimpat but the cost after insurance is 125.00
I was looking for an manufactures coupond to help me put with the cost.
this can be very costly to take but I heard good things about this.
what can I do for help with this?
What is the fine print to this coupon? I tried one other one but my dosage was too high, which is not my fault. I have A small allergic reaction to it so instead of take 2 pills a day of 200mg each I take 4 pills a day of 100mg each. The last company the coupon was through said that I get to many pills within 30 days. Can you help?
Hello. Can we also avail the vimpat coupon here in the Philippines? My son is diagnosed with epilepsy since 4-months old, his now turning 3. He’s under 4 anti-epileptic medicines and Vimpat is one of them.
His taking 125mg a day and costing us almost Php 2000 a month.
We hope we can benefit with vimpat coupon.
Thank you very much.