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Pedis Notes

1. To adhere to medication, tinea pedis is a chronic infection, growth and reproduction of fungi parasitic stratum corneum. Treatment do not automatically withdrawal, should normally be consciously good, continue treatment for several weeks, it is best to make the mold inspection and training, continuous three weeks are the negative be considered cured.

2. Athlete's foot medication is the most critical is the categorical coherent formal treatment. Fluocinolone such as corticosteroid creams to treat athlete's foot, and the results more government the more extended. Was aspirin tablets crushed toe sown erosion ask, results in the formation of an ulcer, chronic pain unhealed. Pi Yan Ping Ointment topical when many people red itchy patches on the skin to form a misunderstanding, a lot of hormone ingredients Pi Yan Ping Ointment, which happens to be a fungal nutrition agent, so the the case certainly ringworm paint Pi Yan Ping, only the more paint on the more powerful. Some people tend to use hearsay indigenous arbitrary rule beriberi, sometimes can play antipruritic effect, but certainly can not go to the root. And some indigenous the irritant larger, can also cause allergic reactions. Therefore, there beriberi symptoms, should as soon as possible for treatment.

3. The medication should be based on the specific circumstances of the lesions. Ulceration at can not be used in tinctures, skin thickening, rip the ointment. Tattered water should go to the hospital, according to the specific circumstances of the appropriate treatment by a doctor.

4. The pedis secondary infection occurs when the local acute inflammation. General pedis treatment can not, should deal with secondary infection. If redness, local topical boric acid water or bite furans the amoxicillin liquid cooling warm dressing can be anti-inflammatory swelling, if necessary, systemic administration with antibiotics, according to the doctor for proper rest.

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