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Download your Savings Card online.Eligible patients may save up to $200 off on each of up to 12 qualifying prescriptions for VICTRELIS.
The coupon can be used up to 12 times before the expiration date and provides a maximum benefit of 20%of the catalog price of VICTRELIS.
Coupon is valid for use up to 12 times only.
Patient must have a co-payment or make full cash payment for the prescription.
Prices for 336 capsules of Victrelis 200mg is from $7,067.00–$7,321.00.
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Other knowledge
Hepatitis C prevention
1, Do not share toothbrushes, toothbrush may be contaminated by blood. Canker sores and bleeding gums, and the toothbrush is easily stained with blood. Most people do not share with others a toothbrush, but some people don’t care. Set rules for myself: devoted to his toothbrush.
2, The prohibition of drugs, prevention of hepatitis C, notice also prohibited drugs. If intravenous drug, to pay attention to do not share needles or other tools. If required intravenous or other medical purposes, to use sterile syringes. Intravenous injection and more than half of new cases of hepatitis c-related, no use of contaminated syringes are one of the best ways to stop the spread of hepatitis C.
3, The use of condoms, in General, very low likelihood of sexual transmission of hepatitis C. But when having multiple sexual partners, and the chance of infection increases. Similarly, the chances of contracting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases will also increase. So, for your own safety, it is best to use a condom.
4, Do not share razors, rather than shared syringes, with their own articles, like razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers can reduce the risk of infection. However, if there’s blood, there is risk of hepatitis C infection. Therefore, routine or do not share the Shaver with others better.
5, Go to normal local tattoo, tattoos and piercings were not infected with hepatitis C in high-risk activities. However, if you are using a syringe or other does not properly clean and disease-infected people have used, are at increased risk of blood-borne diseases, such as hepatitis b, hepatitis C or HIV/AIDS.
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