There are two coupons for Vaniqa in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save: Up to $35 amount VANIQA Savings Voucher
How Does It Work:
Vaniqa Savings Skin Care Voucher,save up to $35 off your VANIQA prescription.
You need to Fill out the form on Manufacturer website as bellow link receive a VANIQA savings rebate for up to $35 back on your VANIQA prescription.
Rebate expires 30 days from date on pharmacy receipt.
Offer is valid for those with private insurance or cash-paying patients. You may receive this rebate if you paid for your entire prescription OR you paid for a portion of your prescription not covered by insurance.
Mail this rebate along with the original pharmacy receipt to:
VANIQA Rebate Program
6501 Weston Pkwy, Ste 370
Cary, NC 27513-9967
In 10-14 working days you will receive a check for up to $35 for a qualifying purchase.
For processing questions, please call 1-866-954-1479.
Prices for 1 tube (45g) of 13.9% Vaniqa cream is from $140.00–$147.00.
Where To Get This Offer?
Follow this Vaniqa Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
Get Coupon!
Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.
Vaniqa Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!
Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Vaniqa price look up, Check Vaniqa discount price with card.
Print Reusable Discount Card (NOT manufacturer Coupon)
If no printer, only write down your ID, PCN, GROUP, and BIN and take to pharmacist for the same savings.#Still Can not afford Vaniqa? Get Generic from This Reliable Cheap Generic Site, additional EXCLUSIVE 10% discount.
Other Related Coupons:
Thank you for having this website for discounts.
thank you
thanks for discount
I tried to fill out the coupon for $25 rebate and it would not let me send it.
Try this link again.
coupon link work fine.
I have tried repeatedly to get this coupon or rebate and nothing happens. First, I couldn’t send it and now I get no response when I do send it! I have delayed in getting this for over a month due to not getting a coupon. Even the pharmacist told me about the coupon!
Get it online
I aM looking for Manufacturers card/coupon to use for vaniqa savings to be uses multiple times…each time I pick. Up my vaniqa prescription, it will give me a certain amount off of the cost.
Please fill out the information online to receive your rebate and special offers.
I checked the local pharmacies and have an RX for 60 grams Vaniqa and all of their prices are
from $194-$199.00. Most of the coupons I see are for only $35.00 is that for 30 grams or do they
have coupons $50.00? I am retired and therefore on a limited budget. I would certainly love for help with my hair problem. Thanks
The Vaniqa save $50.00 coupon have expired. on 2010, this coupon can save up to $25 or $50 off your VANIQA prescription. now replaced by Vaniqa $35 off coupon.
Have tried numerous times & can’t process the coupon. Also, can’t find a phone # to call to resolve. Any help will be appreciated as I LOVE the product, but need to realize the savings. The script is > $130 for me.
Thank you.
Print and sign the Savings Voucher. Mail this rebate along with the original pharmacy receipt to: VANIQA Rebate Program
For processing questions, please call 1-866-954-1479.
I sent my rebate offer in to Vaniqa as I always have but did not receive my rebate in a timely manner as I usually did. I called only to be told the offer expired. One would think that the company could at least send a response back to their customers to notify them of this as my personal info is on these sent documents. No date was ever posted on rebate form for expirering. Disappointed in Vaniqa!
The same thing has happened to me. I always got my rebate in 2 weeks. The last one I mailed 11/22/14 and still have not received it. I did not see any expiration date on the Vaniqa Rapid Rebate form.
I’ve ben trying to get this rebate coupon since December 2014. I found the same rebate coupon for 2015 and could not get the info to be submitted. I called 1-866-954-1479, only to be told he coupon had expired. When I told the person speaking to me the manufacturer coupon rebate was on the website and 2015 NEW. I got the same reply that the program for that coupon had expired. I paid $137.00 for the relatively small tube.
I submitted my rebate form and proper documentation on 3/20/15 but still have not received my rebate. This is the second time this has happened to me. I have a copy of the 2nd one but not the first. Please advise. I even wrote you after the first one never arrived, no response. 🙁
I have used this product for years. I used to print the coupon from the website and fill it out, attach my receipt and everything required and would get my rebate. Now, I cannot get any info from the website or phone #1-866-954-1479, except for the phone message : Sorry, this program doesn’t exist anymore”. If this is true, take it off the website, it is very annoying to offer a rebate on an expensive item and not be able to collect. Another thing, I have been using and paying for this item for many years because my insurance didn’t cover it, and now that I am retired and have medicare I cannot get a refund anymore. I pay for medicare and a supplemental insurance.
I found this to be the only thing that helps with this condition but my insurance doesn’t cover it. Why is it so costly to women and the coupons are no longer available online. The drug is FDA approved there has to be something that can be done here.
Why are women covered by Medicare unable to use $35 Vaniqu rebate coupon if they are not even getting the cream through insurance? After all, it’s not covered! Is there some way around this or is it an error?
Thank you.
A. Saxon