Trifexis Coupon

There are two coupons for Trifexis in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save: $25 Rebate and $10 Rebate Trifexis for Dogs Coupons

How Does It Work:

Manufacturer Printable Elanco Trifexis Coupon. online rebate and Mail Rebate.

Receive $25 with the purchase of a one year (12-dose) supply of Trifexis
Receive $10 with the purchase of a 6 month (6-dose) supply of Trifexis

Purchase a 12-month or 6-month supply of Trifexis. Complete online rebate submission with your promo code.

You can also get the Rebate by Mail
Mail rebate form and original invoice to:
Elanco Rebates
P.O. Box 540031
El Paso, TX 88554

Some Notes:
Rebate must be received within 60 days of veterinarian invoice date.
Original invoice with purchase price and box code(s) must be included.
Original invoice must show a 6-dose or 12-dose purchase
8-10 weeks for check delivery.
Please call 1-800-983-9993 for questions regarding rebate submission.

Prices for 1 package (6 chewable tablets) of Trifexis 5-10 lbs is from $89.00–$107.00.

Where To Get This Offer?

Follow this Trifexis Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
Get Coupon!

Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.

Trifexis Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!

Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Trifexis price look up, Check Trifexis discount price with card.

Print Reusable Discount Card (NOT manufacturer Coupon)

If no printer, only write down your ID, PCN, GROUP, and BIN and take to pharmacist for the same savings.
#Still Can not afford Trifexis? Get Generic from This Reliable Cheap Generic Site, additional EXCLUSIVE 10% discount.

Other knowledge
Reviews For Trifexis

Worked Quick to Get Rid of Fleas
My hounds kept picking up fleas. The flea remedies from the pet store either didn’t work at all or some would work for a week or so, then the dogs would have fleas again. Trifexis is the first thing we tried that really worked. I have to put some peanut butter on the pill to get my dogs to take it. They take it fine then. About 12 hours after their first dose, the fleas were gone. They haven’t had any more fleas after that. I will definitely keep them on this flea and heartworm medication.
—-Simone Ferne

No More Fleas
All three of my dogs had fleas. I tried everything to get rid of them. We tried collars and flea drops. Nothing seemed to make a dent in the flea infestation. I took them to the vet and the vet suggested Trifexis. This flea medication was great. The results were very fast. I thought this medication was a little pricey. All the other remedies that I tried were much cheaper, but none of them worked at all. I’ll pay more for Trifexis, because I know it works. The fleas are completely gone. We haven’t had any problems with fleas since.
—-Mavis Kori

Important Notice: These drugs reviews maybe helpful, but can not substitute for the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care.

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  1. Tammie Haseleu says

    Can you show me a diagram of where I get the box code from for the rebate? I don’t want to send the wrong thing, and was going to send the whole box.

    Thank you.

  2. Vivian says

    I never received my $10 after sending in the required information back in July. Now it’s time to buy Trifexis again for my 11.4 lb dog and not sure I want to jump through the hoops again for NOTHING!

    • Joan says

      I, too, submitted a complete request for the $10 rebate using the online version option. I followed the directions perfectly. I am computer literate. I filled out the rebate form online. I downloaded and submitted good clean copies of the original veterinary invoice, clearly showing purchase of Trifexis Green 20,1-40# @ $104.94, and the box code from Trifexis Green 6-month supply box. I even checked over everything to be sure everything was perfect before I submitted. I received a letter today from Elanco that said, “Original veterinary invoice not included” and “Original veterinary invoice did not clearly show purchase of Trifexis.” They want me to mail everything in. So why even have the online option. Originally (May 3) after I submitted all the required rebate information, I received an email stating, “The attached file is a copy of your rebate form for your records. Your information was received and you have no further action to take.” Typical rebates are not handled by the companies themselves but by an outside generic rebate center. Very common practice to reject perfectly submitted rebates. That is why I hate mail-in rebates because they are usually not legit.

      • Lori Greco says

        Actually, I have been getting their rebates for several years and they are legit. It is a pain to do this filling out of paperwork though,

  3. Lewis Perry says

    I received a limited time offer SAVE $50 on a year’s supply of Trifexis. I have my receipt from my Vet, my box codes, now I need to know how to claim my rebate.

  4. Aaron Webb says

    in order to process the rebate, you still need an “Special Offer Code: ” to create the rebate form. That number must be “special” because it isn’t in print on any documents and my veterinarian doesn’t know the code. In essence, the $25 rebate is now impossible to claim. Scam? I think so.

  5. Sheila West says
    When I tried the link that “admin” posted on March 8, 2014, I got the following:

    There is a problem with this website’s security certificate.

    The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
    The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website’s address.

    Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
    We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.
    Click here to close this webpage.
    Continue to this website (not recommended).
    More information

    If you arrived at this page by clicking a link, check the website address in the address bar to be sure that it is the address you were expecting.
    When going to a website with an address such as, try adding the ‘www’ to the address,
    If you choose to ignore this error and continue, do not enter private information into the website.

    For more information, see “Certificate Errors” in Internet Explorer Help.

    I just purchased TWO Boxes of Trifexis from my Vet with “Limited Time Offer” to “Save $50 on a year’s supply” However, I CANNOT find a Rebate form! When I entered the website posted on the rebate offer, I also got the same “Certificate Error” I HOPE THIS IS NOT A SCAM!

  6. louise h. breedlove says

    I have tried for an hour or more to send for a rebate on trifexis, I don’t know how to upload so I tried to get a printout of the form but I can’t find where it is. It says to click on print out form but I can’t find that. I don’t think you want people to find it. You shouldn’t charge so much for the meds anyway. I can’t afford this, it is rediculous. Why don’t you just reduce the price and be done with it, then people wouldn’t have so much trouble.

    • katherine says

      It may be 4 yrs late that I am reading this BUT I TOTALLY AGREE. THIS REBATE CRAP IS CRAP!!! JUST STOP CHARGING SO DAMN MUCH !!!!!!

  7. Angela says

    Every time I try to upload the pictures of the bar code and the invoice it takes me back to the home start up psge!!! I am frustrated.

  8. Helen says

    I purchased a year supply of Trifexis on 12-29-14, and found out I can’t claim the 2014 rebate of $25.00 because I bought the items in December and the rebate offer expired on 10/31/2014. What a crock! I couldn’t claim the rebate earlier in 2014, as I bought the 2014 years supply in 2013 so I would have the medicine to use on 01-01-2014, and the rebate wasn’t any good until 2014. Now, I find out I can’t claim the rebate for the year 2014, because I didn’t purchase the product until December of 2014. Who runs a rebate offer for the year 2014 and cuts off the purchase date on October 31, 2014. The date should run from January through December.

  9. Jeanette Tenpenny says

    I HAVE SENT REBATE FORMS FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS. I have 2 dogs and I am not using this product again. If you are not sending rebates please do not claim to. You owe me 50.00.

  10. Earl M Clark says

    I was recently denied a rebate because a rebate form was not included. This is true as my printer is OOC However , I did complete a hand written version of the form along with all the items requested. Since I sent you all the info you requested, minus the form, a resubmission is impossible.

  11. ken matthews says

    i purchased a 6 month supply of Trifexis and can not find the site to take advantage of the 15 rebate where do i go????

  12. says

    I purchased Trifexis from my veterinarian for my two dogs —a seven pound Yorkie and a fifteen pound Havenese. He gave me a form to send in for a rebate but I can’t get it. I am not able to scan to do it email way but could mail it in to you. My vet. receipt just shows a total of $320.00 for the purchase but it does not say it is for Trifexis. Yet that is all that was done when I went to him—just picked up the Trifexis for my two dogs. He gave me an 8 month supply for each of them. I have always used Revolution and think we’ll go back to that if I don’t get the rebate. From what I read you ‘guys’ are not too accamodating.

  13. Ed says

    After reading the previous posts from pet owners’ inability to receive the promised rebates — I will tell my vet that I do not want to purchase Trifexis. Even if the product they sell is good, deceptively offering a rebate is simply unacceptable. I feel sorry for the people who got “scammed”. Shame on you Elanco… You’ve lost at least one customer.

    • Terre says

      They’ve lost a few more, including me, just by looking at these reviews. Now I don’t want to buy the stuff because if the company is crooked in one way, they’re likely crooked in other ways. Bye bye Trifexis and Elanco.

  14. Theresa says

    I purchased a year supply of trifexis, filled out all info for rebate sent it in through email and never received a thing.

  15. Lois Inman says

    I will never purchase Trifexis again for my two dogs. I never heard from my request although I had the rebate form and vet invoice. The price was exceptionally high but I wanted my dogs protected. There are other (Revolution which I used until this year). I know there are thousands of others out there that will use your product but I no longer respect you. I will speak to my vet next week when I go to him.

  16. Theresa H says

    Will NEVER purchase Trifexis again as the rebate is nothing more than a scam. I submitted via their website. They requested a copy of the vet receipt stating they didn’t receive so I sent it again. It has been 2 months and have NOT RECEIVED REBATE. Last year I submitted rebate and NEVER RECEIVED it for 2014.

  17. Linda Poidevin says

    I received an email stating my rebate check will be received in mail in 2-4 weeks. That email was dated Dec. 12, 2015, almost 6 weeks ago. I hope it’s just late. Why send me an email & then not send check??Still hoping….

  18. David K, Robson says

    Don’t bother to jump thru hoops to try and claim your refund. This is the second time I have attempted to claim a refund and have followed all of the instructions. In a word it is a SCAM and either someone is pocketing the rebate at the redemption center or it does not exist. My solution is to not purchase this product in the future and to warn my dog owner friends.

  19. Patty C Carlisle says

    I received a twenty five dollar prepaid visa card as my rebate. Tried to use it at my vets and it didn’t work. I have called every number and gone to every web site associated with this rebate. I have gotten no money or answers. I believe it to be a SCAM also!

  20. KM says

    I got the $10 gift card but it does not work. I called to activate and it says that the card doesn’t exist.

    Scam for sure

  21. Margaret Warren says

    I recieved a twenty five dollar prepaid visa card as my rebate and no business can get it to work. In the past I got a check and had no problem with it,, I hope you can correct this, before it is time for me to get more med. for my dog. I have called several times and all I get is use it as a credit card not a debit. No one can get it to work. Please respond soon.

  22. terra says

    Just wanted to say to all the people making NEGATIVE comments… I have turned in at least 6-10 rebates over the last few years, I have received EVERY one of them.. even 3 $50 ones….I did have a problem one time and ELANCO was very helpful and easy to work with on getting that rebate as well.
    LOVE the rebates.. keep them coming as I have 3 dogs on Trifexis!
    GREAT JOB rebate team!

  23. Jim says

    Like others, I have received the $25 rebate card, but cannot get it to work. The terminal always asks for a PIN code, which the card does not supply. What is the problem with this rebate? I never had any problems with the checks I received in the past.

  24. Gary Galek says

    This rebate process is a piece of crap!!! How do you keep people from processing a rebate??? You make it impossible to file. This product is very expensive and they think they are clever by refusing to process rebates..? Why have rebates at all… just lower the price of the product to match the rebate amount. Well Elanco can go to hell as this is the last time I purchase their product!

  25. Lynne Kaprocki says

    I received my Trifexis $10.00 Reward Card. I tried to use it in Tractor Supply and was told that the card was not valid to use as a credit card and that I needed a pin to use it as a debit card. This card has no pin number, so how can I use It?

  26. Lynette Satterthwaite says

    I sent two separate invoices showing six month purchase on each invoice but received only a rebate for six month purchase. Please send the additional amount for 12 month purchase.

    Reward Tracking Number –846048517

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