There are two coupons for Suboxone in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save: $0 copay for SUBOXONE Film up to $50 a month in savings with Manufacturer Assistance Program
How Does It Work:
Suboxone Coupon 2014, Manufacturer Print Coupons for Suboxone. SUBOXONE Film Copay Card.
For 2014,$0 copay for SUBOXONE Film.
The patient pay amount will be reduced by up to $50 on each prescription up to a maximum of 10 prescriptions (limit 1 prescription per month). The patient is responsible for any remaining out-of-pocket expense.
Present this card to your pharmacist along with your valid prescription for SUBOXONE Film and your insurance card. limit 1 offer per patient.
Suboxone is an opiate medication launched by Reckitt Benckiser in 2002
Help Paying for Suboxone Prescription and question regarding SUBOXONE Film Card, please call 1-866-814-9844.
Suboxone Coupon Code
BIN: 004682
Group #: EC52001070
ID #: Your offer has its own unique ID number.
Prices for 30 films of Suboxone Film 8mg/2mg is from $228.00–$238.00.
Aslo read:
Suboxone Coupons for No Insurance
Vivitrol Coupon
Where To Get This Offer?
Follow this Suboxone Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
Get Coupon!
Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.
Suboxone Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!
Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Suboxone price look up, Check Suboxone discount price with card.
Print Reusable Discount Card (NOT manufacturer Coupon)
If no printer, only write down your ID, PCN, GROUP, and BIN and take to pharmacist for the same savings.#Still Can not afford Suboxone? Get Generic from This Reliable Cheap Generic Site, additional EXCLUSIVE 10% discount.
Other Related Coupons:
$0 copay for SUBOXONE Film
is there a &0 copay card tht is for 2014 for suboxone. I have one but its expiration date is 12-31-13
This suboxone copay card still valid in 2014.
This is only up to $50 off, and minimum 14 films must be purchased. I’m waiting on prior authorization from my insurance, and need the films tomorrow. Will have to do a partial fill and can’t afford 14 films…looking to just get 5 films with a discount card. Know of any?
I was wondering if you can help me I got Subutex I don’t take Suboxone but there is no discount I don’t know why
Did you try this savings card?
suboxone is keeping me clean from illeagle drugs and my company changed ins companys and now I cant afford them… can I get help please.
How can I get a suboxone discount coupon I have no insurance and right now I’m not working is there anyway I can get help
Is there any way to save even more than $50 per prescription? i pay cash every month for them and am on disability but insurance won’t cover them….
Sorry, this offer is up to $50 each month.
My script comes out of pocket so expensive i wont recovery but meds r to much the 50$ OFF coupon would help but cant download it can it be mailed to my home address?
Downlaod this saving card from above link.
When I check on the prompt for the Suboxone card, its not allowing me to get the card. Please help! I could really use this assistance.
Please confirm you have installed Adobe Reader. I try it with Firefox, this coupon link work fine.
Hi Ive been on suboxone for 2yrs now and always been able to use coupons on line for them, but i was just notified that I no longer can use them cuz my pharmacy is losin money at Walmart Pharmacy in South Haven MI. Would any one happen to know y? Maybe because the people with the coupon cards arnt paying???
Please help me! Suboxone saved my life three years ago! I had been bed ridden with pain and became dependent on prescription fentenayl. I truly thought I would die! Suboxone gave me my life back! I made sure it was covered when I chose my Anthem A.C.A. Policy in Dec., but now they refuse to pay for it. My insurance costs $890.00 per month and should cover everything. Put income for our family of three is under $39,000. A year so we can not afford even the coupon deals listed. Can I get real help so I can stay on suboxone or do I return to trying to survive unbearable chronic pain? Please help me!
me and my hubby both are on suboxone and although our insurance pay for the doctor it pays nothing on are scripts we were paying over 600.00 for each of us to take one strip a day even though we were prescribed 75 each but could not afford to pay this a lot of people we went to doc with said the new generic was just as expense so after struggling for months I ask my doctor and to my surprise he went to GOODRX and sent a coupon to my phone then we entered my zip code for Gallatin TN and for 75 of the suboxone pills my cost was $270.00 at CVS & $290.00 at Walgreens and if you will check the sales ad for the week a lot of the time the 2 stores have a coupon to transfer to your script you will get a gift card for around 20.00 dollars so I transfer between the 2 places every month I had to okay it with my doctor because they wont us to lock in to a pharmacy but said it was fine as long as I went between the two also a couple of times they could not fill my med for some reason or another so I had to go to WalMart and they will price match it for you and if there nice they will even give you a discount for the amount of the gift card from the other store .I prefer the white pills that CVS carries over the orange pills that Walgreens carries only because of the taste of them . When we both go to CVS we pay a total of $540.00 for 150 of the pills that is way better then paying 600.00 for 60.00 and they work just as well I do think the strip are a little stronger but the extra 1 1/2 I get in the pill more then makes up for that . you should also check in to filling a appeal with your insurance to get them to pay I know people how did this and now they are getting there med paid for .I hope this helps you and I I find a even cheaper way I will let you know
CouldYou please give me a call and help me understand how to do this I just got prescribed suboxone strips9313129252
I have been in your shoes Debra-and it is not a good place to be, so I am sorry and hope things get better for you. Suboxone saved my life too. Ask your doctor if he/she has coupons. Methadone clinics will help defray the cost of Suboxone. Don’t be afraid to ask your pharmacist about the best way to buy this medicine as cheaply as possible. Try to catch the pharmacist when he/she is not too busy. And if the first one you ask snubs you, don’t be afraid to ask a different one. I wrote a nice pharmacist a brief note asking for her help in buying the Suboxone in such as way that I can save more money. She was such a help! She had coupons availble that she applied to my prescriptions, she told me how to buy it and which generic prescription savings card gave me the biggest discount, etc. Hope this helps! Debra, don’t give up. Eventually, your body will stop reacting to the nerve endings sending out the “I’m in PAIN” signal, and things will start to feel better…eventually. Meanwhile, try to distract yourself from the constant thought of pain.
I am not taking the Suboxone strips. My Doctor did not prescribe them. Are the discounts ONLY for the strips as opposed tab 8-2 mg?
I’ve just got clean, heroin was killing me and my boyfriend, thank god the doc gave me 90 suboxone , however its been hell paying for them , I been hustling just like I did for the heroin , I thought it was gonna b less stress, but its not I can’t believe with the government looking into opiate addiction that these drugs r so highidk what to do
Coming the 1st of January I will no longer have insurance I get 56 Suboxone every 28 days to 8mg strips I don’t know how I’m going to afford to pay for him I need help