Rolaids Coupon

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With this coupon save $1 on any ONE (1) ROLAIDS Antacid Tablet 72 ct or larger or ROLAIDS Antacid Liquid 12 oz or larger

Coupon is valid for ROLAIDS Antacid Tablet or Liquid.

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Where To Get This Offer?

Follow this Rolaids Manufacturer Coupon link to get this offer:
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Other knowledge

Preventing Heartburn

1, Dietnot too much, slowly swallow.
2, Remained upright, if must lie down, elevate the head.
3, Taking antacids.
4, Do not drink milk or peppermint, so as not to stimulate gastric acid secretion or reflux.
5, Reduction of drinking coffee.
6, Stop eating chocolate.
7, Stop smoking, and refusing second-hand smoke.
8, Avoid drinking beverages with bubbles.
9, Do not eat greasy foods, such as higher-fat meat and dairy products, so as not to stimulate stomach acid.
10, Avoiding eating two hours before going to bed.

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