Qnasl Coupon

There are two coupons for Qnasl in 2025:
Coupon Value and Save: Pay no more than $15 per month with the QNASL Loyalty Card

How Does It Work:

Manufacturer Printable Coupon,QNASL Loyalty Card.Sign up online to get and activate your card.

With this card, most insured patients pay no more than $15 per month,Save Up To $75 Depending On Your Co-Pay. Most insured and cash paying patients may be able to save up to $900 per year.

RxBin: 610524
RxPCN: Loyalty
RxGrp: 50776449
Issuer: (80840)

Prices for 1 inhaler (8.7g) of Qnasl 80mcg is from $136.00–$143.00.

Where To Get This Offer?

Follow this Qnasl Manufacturer coupon link to get this offer:
Get Coupon!

Above link is Manufacturer Coupon.

Qnasl Reusable Discount Card: Save up to 75% off retail price on your prescription medication!

Ideal for people with no prescription coverage,or drug is not covered by insurance, Everyone can qualify.
Acceptable at over 63,000 pharmacies including all major chains (Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Publix, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.), price may little vary. Qnasl price look up, Check Qnasl discount price with card.

Print Reusable Discount Card (NOT manufacturer Coupon)

If no printer, only write down your ID, PCN, GROUP, and BIN and take to pharmacist for the same savings.
#Still Can not afford Qnasl? Get Generic from This Reliable Cheap Generic Site, additional EXCLUSIVE 10% discount.

Other knowledge

Reviews for Qnasl

I started getting Allery shots and I 56 years ago,Before shots gave me a sample of this product.It’s amazing how well it works for me,I only use a few times a day,though not as often as the doctor said this is different because it is liquid,and you hold your breath and spray it,do not breathe it in as a nasal spray Peeled me a lot compared to how I was.

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If the coupon(voucher, rebate, copay program, savings card, etc) link is not valid or unable to redeem,or you need our assistance,or any reviews and suggestion for this drug,Please leave a reply. You will NOT be added to any mailing list!


  1. Margaret Wedlow says

    I signed up for this program but never recd my card. I would like to have one mailed to me @ my home.
    Would you please contact me??

    Thank you

  2. Darlene Peterson says

    My doctor prescribed this for me and gave me the coupon. However, the pharmacy would not accept it because I don’t have a government insurance plan. It was going to cost me $70 a month. Needless to say, I told the pharmacist to forget about the prescription. I’d rather have a clogged nose than spend $70 a month for the medication! Why is it not for everyone? If you’re poor you can have a clear nose but if your middle class you have to suffer with nasal issues? I thought this was totally unfair.

  3. H Scott Fisher says

    I’m trying to download a coupon to get the nasal spray but I can’t do it anyway you could email me one

  4. Ms Dalys Abbate says

    I cannot print out a discount card, that I can use with my insurance, CVS explained that vauchers are for people with no insurance. can you please send me a discount card, my co-pay is $45. a month way too much.

  5. Christy S. says

    I received my card however since I work for government and have Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield the card won’t work because it says I’m part of federal funding program. Funny……with my insurance it will cost me $222 a month for this and last year I was able to use the card and paid no more than $15 a month. Rip off!!!!

  6. Kelly Bradt says

    The coupon worked up until this month and it is now telling the pharmacist something about the volume being met. Is there a limit on the amount of times this coupon can be used? I had to pay my full copay for it this time

  7. Judy Cash says

    I tried signing up for the card as I have been on Qnasl for years, and it works very well for me. I have First Health Part D through Medicare but they do not cover Qnasl. I have tried going through SingleCare savings card from Walmart their price $207.00 monthly, GoodRX-their price $197.00 monthly and Blink Health- their price $169.00 monthly. I have recently retired and I cannot afford any of these monthly amounts. I do not know why I cannot sign up for your card just because I am on Medicare which does not pay for any of my prescriptions. Is there any way you can help me?

      • Judy Cash says

        If I could afford $169.00 I wouldn’t have sent you the email in the first place. There is no comparison between $169.00 and $15.00. If I have a choice of paying a bill for my home or my medicine which one do you think I’m going to choose. I’m on my last box of Qnasl now and this unit is defective, the canister will not work, so thanks for nothing!!!!

  8. Cindy Dizard says

    When I try to get the 2018 QNasl discount card from their website, the only one that comes up is the 2017 discount card, which expired 12/31/17. How do I get 2018 discount card – the one where my co-pay is $15? Thank you.

  9. says

    I had a coupon last year from Dr that it only cost me $15 but he hasn’t received any more coupons for 2018 the Q nasal works so well but without coupon it would cost me 219.00 my cost with insurance and can not afford this every month do you have any new coupons for 2018? Thanks

  10. MARK says

    Walmart told me it is 250.00 us dollars and my son’s insurance is not accepted. I WISH WE CAN TRY THIS BECAUSE FLONASE DOES NOT WORK AT THIS TIME

  11. Shannon Lail says

    I am trying to get a coupon that will work with my insurance. The pharmacy said with my insurance it was going to be $211.00. I need help! Thank you

  12. Ben Chrisman says

    Now that my new insurance does not reject the claim, but pays a very small amount, my cost has increased from the reject price of $75 to the insurance assisted price of $117. Is this really how that is supposed to work or is the pharmacy doing something wrong?

  13. says

    I need the manufactures savings card for 2019, CVS would not accept other coupons online, I paid $75 with insurance, can you please email me new savings card for patients with insurance.

    Thank you

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