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Other knowledge
Gastrointestinal flatulence
Gastro-intestinal flatulence are symptoms of indigestion caused by a series of generic, indigestion characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort after meals, often accompanied by nausea, belching, burping, belly heaving. Among them, belching, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, excessive exhaust gas, burping and many were believed to be gastro-intestinal flatulence.
Gastrointestinal gas discharge as belching, anal discharge of exhaust, and some can be absorbed through the intestinal wall. During normal gastrointestinal increased retention of gas per day for adults, there will be a sense of flatulence. Chronic indigestion can also lead to malnutrition, immune function decline. Dyspepsia clinical manifestations, needs and early identification of stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver disease, so patients with dyspepsia should seek medical advice.
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