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When it comes to healthcare, we steadfastly believe “less is more” and strive to make sure that each of our products contains just what is needed for fast, safe & effective relief nothing more.

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Other knowledge

The baby easy flatulence reasons

(1) swallowing too much air: baby bottle feeding, sucking hasty easily inhaled too much air, the bottle pacifier hole size is inappropriate or bottle tilted air occasionally through pacifier gap so that the baby inhaled belly and excessive crying baby is also likely to cause flatulence.

(2) indigestion: the gut result of the accumulation of feces, so that the gas production the bad bacteria hyperplasia, or milk protein allergy, lactose intolerance, enteritis caused by digestion, malabsorption, easy to produce large amounts of gas.

(3) gastrointestinal motility disorders: divided into simple functionality called “intestinal pseudo-obstruction, and gastrointestinal tract real lack of ganglion congenital megacolon. The severity of such problems from chronic constipation and bloating to severe vomiting observed, can be temporary or permanent.

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