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A topical pain reliever is applied at the site of discomfort to provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints. When you apply BENGAY products to sore muscles or joints, the pain reliever(s) in BENGAY Brand products work to temporarily block the perception of pain, providing relief.
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Arthritis diet regulation
Different principles of diet in patients with different types of arthritis. There is no conclusive evidence of a relationship between nutritional deficiency and arthritis, but increased nutritional deficiency can lead to arthritis, and overnutrition, obesity can trigger or aggravate arthritis such as gout arthritis, osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis is often due to systemic inflammation, anemia, weight loss, malnutrition. Other infection-induced arthritis or body consumption due to an acute inflammation, recovery against arthritis.
These patients required daily nutrients should be completed where possible, when necessary, gastro-intestinal nutrition, improving the body’s resistance to disease. And contrary to the above, exists in a lot of overweight patients with osteoarthritis and gout, especially in patients with gout, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other metabolic disorders, and increase arthritis induced by high levels of uric acid. Thus, osteoarthritis, hyperuricemia and gouty arthritis patients with proper diet, appropriate weight, reduce the burden on joints. Recommended in patients with hyperuricemia and gout to reduce intake of high-purine foods such as organ meats, seafood, eat alkaline foods such as rapeseed, cabbages, carrots and melons, strictly limit alcohol, mainly limiting liquor and beer. There is currently no evidence that red wine can trigger gout, on the contrary, moderate red wine drinking may help reducing uric acid, and drinking coffee, tea or milk may also contribute to reducing uric acid.
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